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2020 Women of Color Day/Women World Culture/Diversity Allies Event: Unity To Elect Those Who Support Us
Saturday 21 September 2019, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 647
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It has been 5 years since the last Sacramento Women of Color
Day/Diversity Event at the Crest Theater in Sacramento, CA in 2014.  

For the past year, as we I do for each presidential campaign, we have been raising the issue that only women of color experience both racism and sexism, yet because we are great survivors, we outvote all other voting groups.
For decades, we have sent out statistics about women of color to politicians running for office, all kinds of organizations of women, women and men of color, LGBTQ organizations and every kind of group we can reach, all canididates to get this issue on their platforms if they want our votes. Until this year, NOT ONE CANDIDATE HAS EVER BEEN WILLING TO DO SO--THOUGH THEY WANT OUR VOTES, VOLUNTEER TIME AND DONATIONS. Now is the time for women of color insist on reciprocity. To get our votes, candidates must specifically include racism + sexism in their platforms, they hire women of color in their paid campaign
positions as well as in volunteer roles (not in token numbers or roles), and have meaningful, diverse representation of women of color groups  among their transition team to recommend appointees after elections.


Further, Senator Warren addresses both the issues some or all women of color have in common. She also addresses the concerns and experiences that are unique to each group--those of African, Asian, Chicana/Latina, Native/Indigenous and Hawaiian/Pacific heritage/ancestry. To be clear, Senator Warren also understands the history of those of European ancestry which is diverse in its own way, with complex histories and hardships. The goal is to secure freedom, justice and equality for all while providing resources that fit real needs in a spirit of good will and pride in each other and ourselves. 
We are reciprocating to this extraordinary presentation of plans, strategies and suggestion of resources from Senator Warren by organizing the Sacramento Women of Color Day (March 1st annually)/ Our Allies Diversity Event. 
The March 1st date is firm. The venue not yet settled. While we work in Sacramento or possibly Reno for our March 1 event, we will also ask for leadership in other cities, towns and communities to develop their own parrallel Women of Color Day/ Allies programs in which facts, history, and other information can be presented in educational workshops to encourage the largest number of voters for the best possible candidates in every state, county, city, and community. Our office will serve a mentoring and resource role, as well as the leader of our local program. We will primarily honor local people.  We aim to stimulate interest in voting as informed voters in the best intereste of our people and our nation.
This series of events has never happened before. If we fail to take advantage of the opportunity provided, it may not come again. 

So here is my plan: With input from as many as I can reach, I will develop the 2020 Women of Color Political Platform, with an introduction and statement of purpose and a list of the concerns we share and many which are specific to women of color cultural groups--African American, Asian American, Chicana/Latina American, Native American/Indigenous American and Hawaiian/Pacific Island American. I will prepare a document and email it to as many women of color and allies as I can, asking each to help get the word out to others. Attached will be a complimentary computer copy of my book to the emails, along with an  authorization to each person to share it with others. If people want hard copies, they will have to purchase them online in the store, since my resources have limits.

For the third time in the nearly 40 years I have been working on this, I
am expanding the usual annual event which ordinarily includes a speaker,
some entertainment, presentation of Outstanding Women of Color and
Aurora Awards, exhibitors, vendors and a reception with refreshments at
the end, into a conference with educational workshops related to voting
statistics and issues so that we can have a major role in determining
the election outcome. To the regular format, I am adding select
corporate exhibitors, such as in the past the New York Commuter Railroad which purchased exhibitor space from us in 1994. In 1994, the event was held at the Reno Hilton Hotel. In addition to all day workshops, we had an opening reception the evening before, with a hospitality room where conferees could meet, since some traveled the day before. 

The entire conference will run from 8 AM  to 9 PM on Sunday (when the venue is more likely to be cheaper.) In addition to a political focus, I would like to include attention to the fact that many of us have diverse ancestry, regardless of how we look physically. Our cultures and traditions vary and are real. The concept of race is an artificial construct which was developed to divide us, declaring one or another superior, but always with those of European heritage who consider themselves superior to the rest, using this as a means of establishing supremacy of their group and abuse, domination and extermination of the rest of us.

I would like input and suggestions on the following: If we are to
fully and honestly unite, I think we need to learn more about our own
heritage/ancestry and that of each other. I don't have all the answers to address these and other issues, but I feel it is time that we learned together the facts of these circumstances and place any blame on those who exploited us. I also want to encourage all of us to feel comfortable in learning about and honoring all of our ancestors. If we can achieve this, I believe we will form an unbreakable, enduring bond that we all need.  

The other workshops at the event will introduce a variety of social and political issues, problems and ideas to resolve them for which this conference will only be the beginning. If Senator Warren becomes president, it will be appropriate that a women of Native American ancestry has become the first woman president. This also will facilitate learning Indian traditions which honor women and document leadership by women. 
 The greatest help needed is to get communities and groups across the country to participate so that we can present our platform ideas to everyone running for office. We are more than 20% of the voters and vote at the highest rates. If we vote together, we can determine elections everywhere, including the presidency. In most elections, less than 50% of eligible voters vote. For Obama, 60% of the eligible voters voted which was higher than usual. However, by contrast, the number of
people of color voting range from 70%pecially women of color who voted
at rates of 70% for men ot color to 97 % by women of In addition, we already know that
Trump and the Republicans are planning to suppress people of color
voters in every way possible and to have the Russians and other disrupt
the voting process as they did against Stacey Abrams in Alabama. To
win in 2020, our voting numbers have to be the highest in history and come from every generation from 18 to as long as we are still alive. If we achieve this, we will be in control for the first time in the history of this
country with our numbers increasing in the population. If we do not seize the moment and empower ourselves, we will remain on the socio-economic bottom of this country in perpetuity --surely for the
rest of the lives of all us here now. Our lives are in our own hands.

Suzanne Brooks
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