Women of Color Day History: 1999-2013
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Women of Color Day: 28 years, 25 states & 5 other countries for a day or week. Hundreds honored as Outstanding Women of Color. Girls of color too. Men, other women & groups recognized in some. Many names & videos on this site. Legends in their own times!
2013 is the 28th year since Women of Color Day was founded. At that time, there were no such events in the country until the National Institute for Women of Color (NIWC, now inactive) was founded in Washington, DC. Suzanne Brooks, now CEO of International Association for Women of Color Day served on the NIWC Board for 11 years. During those years, with other graduate and undergraduate students at Washington State University, she also co-founded the Women of Color Kaukos there.
New Commemorations: Minnesota & Wisconsin
NO 2013 Annual Community Women of Color Day/Diversity Event in Sacramento
27th annual Sacramento Community Women of Color Day/Diversity Event
26th annual Sacramento Community Women of Color Day/Diversity Event
*Outstanding Women of Color and Diversity Awards
*Premiere of"Aurora," African Diaspora Music & Dance in The Americas
*Recognition of UN Declaration of 2011 as Year of African Descendants
Sunday, March 6, 2011, 4:00 to 8:00 PM @ Women’s Civic Improvement Club of Sacramento
Sacramento's most innovative and unique diversity event takes place on Sunday, March 6th, 2011 at the Community Center of the Women’s Civic Improvement Club of Sacramento, Inc., 3555 3rd Ave., Sacramento, CA 95817. The event honors outstanding women of color for achievements/contributions, and women, men, businesses, and organizations of all cultures supporting/promoting diversity. In the 26 years since March 1st was established as Women of Color Day, more than 250 have been honored in Sacramento. Commemorations have also been held in other California cities, 22 additional states and 5 other countries. The program includes the awards ceremony; "Aurora,"new musical show featuring African dance, Candombe percussion, music by Suzanne Brooks/The Jazz Generation Band; and recognition of the United Nations declaration of 2011 as the Year of African Descendants.
2011 Honorees include:
Joan Cartwright, Musician and Ex. Director, Women in Jazz in South Florida;
Courtney Dempsey, Reporter, Good Day Sacramento;
Sarah Enloe, Writer, Philippine Fiesta newspaper;
Dr. Linda Goodrich, CSUS& Dance;Moon, San Francisco multi-cultural dance project;
Kamala Harris, California Attorney General;
Indigie Femme—Nammy/Grammy nominated singers Tash Terry (Navajo) and Elena Higgins (Maori-Samoan)
Purple Moon, San Francisco Multi-Cultural Dance Project;
Pleshette Robertson, CEO, Sacramento Cultural Hub;
Angela Rosas, Community Activist.
Diversity award recipients include:
Sacramento photographer Larry Dalton; California Assembly Member Alyson Huber; Chris Lee, pianist, The Jazz Generation band; Tina Veeolet, owner, Aloha Florist;and, The Wellbriety Drummers led by Carlos Rivera..
The program theme, Aurora,"drawn from images of the Aurora Borealis to celebrate the beauty which comes from the colorful diversity of cultures. “Aurora†is also the title of the “official†Women of Color Day song. CDs: www.cdbaby.com/cd/suzannebrooks6.; and video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTaajnhliHg&feature=channel
The UN has declared 2011 as the year of African Descendants. While continuing to honor outstanding women of color and men, women and organizations of all groups that celebrate diversity, IAWOCD will commemorate this historic year by providing opportunity for presentations by exhibitors & vendors who reflect interests and history of African descendants. Those interested should contact IAWOCD as soon as possible. Maia Morton and her ensemble, Umoja, will contribute African choreography, dance and drumming.. Sponsorships and Souvenir Program Booklet Advertising are available and fund the extraordinary event. Adult Tickets, on sale January 17th , 2011, are $15 in advance; $20 at door for adults; $5 for children under 12. Media pre-event interviews are available.
By Summer, 2011, The Women of Color Journal will be implemented to provide positive, uplifting essays, articles, stories, poems, drawings and photographs by and about women of color and those supporting diversity, justice, and cross-cultural interactions and understanding. Articles about issues and concerns of relevant interest, as well as educational and historical essays will be published. The focus of the publication will be to maintain a positive, uplifting tone throughout the publication. Biographies and autobiographies will receive early attention. Writers are being sought. Initially, writer contributions will be donations. As the site is marketed to appropriate advertisers and a stream of revenue is developed, writers will be paid at posted rates for first time publication rights, after which copyrights will belong to the writers. All editorial decisions will be made by the publisher or her designee.
The Jazz Generation band Promo Video may be viewed online @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9nxW1KHvfg
The International Association for Women of Color Day encourages those hiring bands not to hire those with no women in them. Women are so often asked to entertain for little or no compensation and are left out of the higher priced events as if non-existent